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Kaze-no-Suiheisen (Horizon of Wind) refers to the intense history of international exchange between Holland and Hirado, Japan and to the sentiments of exchange between cultures in general. The piece is inspired by the human desire to look ‘behind the horizon’. Kaze-no-Suiheisen is also a hymn for the ocean, as the most important stage and symbol for connecting people from around the globe. Performed at Hirado Cultural Center and Tabira Citizen Centre Hall as main part of the 12xHolland Art Festival Alex de Wolf - live drawing Annelinde de Jong - stage objects Mijke van Griensven - animation, boxing Armand van den Hamer - contemporary dance Gavin Viano Fabri - hip hop dance David van Ooijen - lute Kees Wieringa - piano Marjolijn van Roon - recordersJunko Ueda - voice, lyrics Wil Offermans - concept, direction, flutes

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