RAWWORKS 特別公演 「あわい」 構成・演出:川内清通 出演:酒瀬川真世、川内清通、Armand van den Hamer、吉原未央子、戎谷和夫、高木睦美 「俳優と、ダンサーと、太鼓と、篠笛で、演劇を。」 ここは、夢をみるところ ここは、いつもここにある...

Dejima improvisation series 2020
Dejima improvisation performance is a bimonthly event in the theater of Dejima in Nagasaki. Performances in 2020 vol.13 January 29, the...

My face in thine eye, thine in mine appears
My face in thine eye, thine in mine appears 貴方の目に私が映る時、私は貴方の瞳にわたしを見ている 私たちの見方が見られることによってどのように影響を受けるかについての芸術的考察...

Dejima improvisation series
Dejima improvisation performance is a bimonthly event in the theater of Dejima in Nagasaki. Performances in 2018 vol.1 January 29, vol.2...

Fujin Raijin impro performance
Short improvisation performance at Nagasaki Prefectural Art Museum on May 3 2018. performers: Koji Shimakawa: overtone instruments Tetsu...

Reborn from worn out times, an artist wanders into the room. The Italian poet, Ungaretti wrote his poem Girovago (vagabond) after...

Nico Huijbregts / Mioko Yoshihara / Armand van den Hamer
Improvisation performance by Nico Huijbregts (piano) Mioko Yoshihara (dance) Armand van den Hamer (dance) 9/11/2013 at De Refter,...

The photographer left, he told the truth
19, 20 October 2012 Beursschouwburg Brussels Concept: Charlotte Bouckaert Performers: Michel Yang and Armand van den Hamer ...

Ben gelukkig al gelukkig geweest
Een voorstelling van het Toverbaltheater waar ik de choreografie voor mocht verzorgen.

Mapped space #5
Video sketch Dance improvisation integrated in a painting by Nico Huijbregts Armand van den Hamer: Dance and Video