Dejima improvisation series
Dejima improvisation performance is a bimonthly event in the theater of Dejima in Nagasaki. Performances in 2018 vol.1 January 29, vol.2...

Fujin Raijin impro performance
Short improvisation performance at Nagasaki Prefectural Art Museum on May 3 2018. performers: Koji Shimakawa: overtone instruments Tetsu...

Reborn from worn out times, an artist wanders into the room. The Italian poet, Ungaretti wrote his poem Girovago (vagabond) after...

Een polder-butoh-voorstelling door 9 dansers waarin 'de Hollander' wordt beschouwd door Japans-avantgardistische bril. Momenten van...

Two sink three float
A Trio performance with dance and visual theater. "The water as unknown, depth, subconscious lets things float or sink. On this thin...

Where has the moon gone?
Tsuki wa doko e itta? (Where has the moon gone?) A multidisciplinary performance with dance, music and calligraphy, presented at the...

Kanji Park
Kanji Park Multidisciplinary performance based on a technique of dancing kanji, Chinese characters. Performed at Inogashira Park,...

"Een synaps is een ruimte in de verbinding tussen zenuwcellen. In deze ruimte vindt het doorgeven van de boodschap plaats door de...

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Seconde Main
Dance and music instant composition project proposed by Julien Bruneau. Performed in Bains::Connective, Brussel. During these two...