RAWWORKS 特別公演 「あわい」 構成・演出:川内清通 出演:酒瀬川真世、川内清通、Armand van den Hamer、吉原未央子、戎谷和夫、高木睦美 「俳優と、ダンサーと、太鼓と、篠笛で、演劇を。」 ここは、夢をみるところ ここは、いつもここにある...

Reborn from worn out times, an artist wanders into the room. The Italian poet, Ungaretti wrote his poem Girovago (vagabond) after...

La vie au bord du puits
La vie au bord du puits is a project based on the story of the life of an old farmer woman, born in Bretagne, coming together with a...

Theatre performance for 8 teenagers, directed in collaboration with Jürgen Brucker, produced by the Jeugd Theater School Ede directed by...

Wolkerkrabbers & Rozenplukkers
Physical theatre performance for 15 youngsters age 14-22, directed in collaboration with Jürgen Brucker. Production by InterArt....

Contemporary Rituals
"Man is not yet civilised. All dictators in the world are created by us because we want somebody else to tell us what to do. When you are...