Wolkerkrabbers & Rozenplukkers
Physical theatre performance for 15 youngsters age 14-22, directed in collaboration with Jürgen Brucker. Production by InterArt....

choreography by Sung Lynn Moon Performance at EDDC theatre Arnhem dance: Mioko Yoshihara Armand van den Hamer Sung Lynn Moon Peter...

A dance piece without solid, written-down dancesteps; but still a choreography. A great improvisation-evening; but still everything is...

On common ground III
On cultivation "To cultivate is to select, give priority to a certain life form, value it higher than an other. Thus to protect this...

Contemporary Rituals
"Man is not yet civilised. All dictators in the world are created by us because we want somebody else to tell us what to do. When you are...

Choreography by Amelia Bentes dance: Lorenzo Borella Armand van den Hamer Jorge Arbert Maria Ramos Cecilia de Lima Ayara Hernández...

Having fun with friends

Choreography by Mariella Greil dance Armand van den Hamer and Mariella Greil performance Alexander Fuxbauer Performances at...