からだの声を聴いて自由に踊る会(仮) 5月12日(日)、長崎でスタートします。 自分のからだと仲良くなりたい人。 無理のないからだの動きを知りたい人。 子どものようにワクワクドキドキ、遊びたい人。 自分のこともっと知りたい人。 開放したい人、表現したい人。...

The Italian poet, Ungaretti wrote his poem Girovago (vagabond) after fighting as a soldier in World War I, where he is wandering around...

Dejima improvisation series
Dejima improvisation performance is a bimonthly event in the theater of Dejima in Nagasaki. Performances in 2018 vol.1 January 29, vol.2...

Nagasaki Art Museum workshop
27 October 2018 Dance workshop based on the exposition of Maywa Denki.

SumoBallet at Ukiha schools
During Summer 2018 we visited 8 schools in the city of Ukiha to bring the art of SumoBallet.

Nagasaki Art Museum Spring Festival
Children dance workshop based on the mythological gods of wind and thunder: Fujin & Raijin at Nagasaki Prefectural Art Museum on May 3 2018.

Fujin Raijin impro performance
Short improvisation performance at Nagasaki Prefectural Art Museum on May 3 2018. performers: Koji Shimakawa: overtone instruments Tetsu...

Omotemonbashi opening ceremony
Openingsceremony for Dejima Omotemonbashi bridge in Nagasaki. directed by Mioko Yoshihara, performed by 17 kids and Armand van den Hamer...

Nagasaki Art Museum: New Hello
23-26 November 2017 New Hello Festival: Dutch artists in Nagasaki Prefectural Art Museum